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Inflammations are divided into two classes: COMMON and SPECIFIC.


ECZEMA is the most common disease of the skin. It is an inflammation which may appear in an acute or chronic state and present many forms of dry or moist lesions. It is characterized by red spots or patches, pimples, and itching, burning or other unpleasant sensations. Acute cases of eczema of the skin should be referred to a physician for treatment. Additional information about this disease will be found in the chapter on scalp diseases.

[[image: Eczema]]

ERYSIPELAS, also known as "St. Anthony's Fire," is an acute inflammation of the skin characterized by burning, itching, and many constitutional symptoms such as pains, chills, fever and nausea.  The affected parts appear shiny and red and show some swelling.  Beauticians should not attempt to treat this disease. 

HERPES SIMPLEX, or fever blister, is an acute inflammatory, non-contagious disease of the skin, recognized by the appearance of small blisters which occur singly or in patches, principally about the lips and nostrils.  They are temporary and while their exact cause is unknown, they usually accompany indigestion, constipation, colds or other constitutional disorders.  Powdered boric acid, or spirits of camphor may be applied.

URTICARIA (hives, nettlerash) is a disease of the skin characterized by the development of large or small numbers of red, itching, burning elevations due to external contact with certain shrubs or herbs; by the indigestion of shellfish, strawberries, etc., or the use of cosmetics which do not agree with the skin.  This disease may be acute or chronic; appears suddenly; may remain for from a few minutes to several hours and then disappear, as suddenly as it appeared.



FURUNCLE OR BOIL is a local inflammatory affection of a skin-gland or hair follicle containing pus and producing pain.  It begins with a painful hardening, is followed by swelling and festering.  It may be relieved by discharge of the central core and accumulated pus, and by antiseptic applications.  The CARBUNCLE is an acute, deep-seated inflammatory affection larger than a furuncle (boil) and should be referred to a physician.

ANTHRAX is an acute infection, appearing as a spot of putrid tissue (acute carbuncle) which occurs as a single lesion, usually on the face and head.  This disease should be referred to a physician.


There are many diseased conditions of the skin which fall within the classification of specific inflammations and about which the beautician need not be concerned, except as a precautionary measure, since some of them are highly contagious and their treatment is strictly outside the scope of the beauty culture practice. The most prevalent and apt-to-be-met of these diseases is syphilis.

SYPHILIS is a chronic infectious venereal disease which may be acquired or hereditary.  It is characterized by a variety of lesions on the skin or mucous membrane, usually in the form of a reddish-brown papule with an ulcerated central spot, having a slight milky, pus-like discharge.  Any beautician, recognizing Syphilis in a patron, should refuse to work on that patron and recommend the patron to a physician's care at once.


Since the centers of nerve control are beyond the reach of simple local treatments such as beauticians are expected to administer, and a knowledge of skin diseases which affect nerve action is beyond the requirements of the profession of beauty culture, it is most expedient to advise patrons so affected to consult a physician.  


ASTEATOSIS.  This is any skin disease characterized by a deficiency or absence of secretion of the sebaceous glands (sebum).  This disorder may be constitutional as a result of improper diet over a long period of time; may appear from inactivity of the glands due to age; or result from the use of strong soaps, washing powders and other alkalies.  The skin becomes dry, scaly, and fissured as in chapped hands and lips. 

TREATMENTS-This condition may be improved by massaging