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the affected parts with oils and creams such as Madame C.J. Walker's Hand Lotion, Witch Hazel Jelly, or Cold Cream.

COMEDO or BLACKHEAD. This is a chronic disorder of the Sebaceous glands evidenced by a hardened obstruction or elevation the size of a pinpoint or of a pin head at the opening of a sebaceous duct (skin port). They are found usually on the face, liberally about the nose and corners of the mouth, back of the neck, chest and on the back. For treatments consult chapter on Massage and Facial Treatments.

MILIUM OR WHITEHEAD. A disease of the skin which small, pearly, noninflammatory tumors appear beneath the skin surface at the pores, due to the sebaceous follicle becoming closed. These little tumors may be opened and drained.

ACNE-This is one of the most common skin diseases apt to be encountered by the beautician. It is an inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands sometimes chronic, occurring mostly about the face, through it sometimes occurs on the chest and back. It is characterized by lesions in the form of papules, pustules, and tubercles, which consist of pink, sharp-pointed pimples in the center of which often is a black-topped comedone. Acne is particularly noticeable in the skin of young people; is generally worse in winter and is associated with menstrual troubles and disturbances of the digestive system. There are many different forms of acne, some too serious in their aspects and too complex of efficacious treatments to fall within the scope of beauty culture practice. Such cases should always be sent to a physician.

ACNE ARTIFICIALIS-A form manifested in puffs or sacs beneath the eyes; usually by certain medicines or external irritations. Disappears when the cause is removed.

ACNE CACHECTICORUM-A form occurring from low vitality or after prolonged wasting disease. Characterized by flat, dull red papules and pustules on the trunk or legs.

ACNE COAGMINATA, a form in which the lesions appear in clusters. The groups of pustules form thick patches covered with scabs or dried pus, with a dusky red and often moist surface underneath.

ACNE PUNCTATA-Possibly the most simple form, manifested by common pimples.

ACNE PUSTULOSA-Another common variety of small pimples filled with pus abscesses.



ACNE INDURATA-A form of hard, deep-seated balls or knots, occurring chiefly on the back.

ACNE PILOUS-Umbilicated, a form in which each pustule has a slight depression pierced by a hair.

ACNE ROSACEA is the chronic, inflammatory type caused by the blood capillaries becoming dilated and sometimes broken.  It occurs usually upon the nose, cheeks, forehead and chin.

ACNE VULGARIS, or ACNE SIMPLEX is the term used to designate any form of simple acne and embraces just about all types except ACNE INDURATA and ACNE ROSACEA and the special types such as Acne Bromine, resulting form the constant internal use of Bromine; Acne Chlorine, resulting from work in the manufacture and constant handling of Hydrochloric acid; Acne Iodine, resulting from prolonged use of Iodine; Acne Picealis, resulting from work with paraffin, tar vapors, etc.

[[image: Acne]]



Incorrect diet has been found to be the underlying cause of many cases of acne.  Question the patron as to her diet and try to ascertain what may be causing her sebaceous glands to function too freely.  It is well to recommend the abstinence from rich, creamy foods, all sweets, butter, salad dressings, white bread, potatoes, red meats and alcoholic drinks.  Advise her to each fruits of all kinds, fresh and cooked vegetables, white meats, chicken and fish (broiled), gluten and whole wheat bread.  Give her the further advice to keep the system clean by daily evacuation, drinking plenty of water, exercise and deep breathing in the fresh air.  Rubbing the unaffected parts of the body with a coarse towel will cause the blood to circulate and the skin to throw off poison through its sweat glands and help reduce the activity of the oil glands. 


Aside from the internal cleansing as has already been mentioned,