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CHROMIDROSIS is discolored perspiration, usually appearing brown, yellow, or bluish in color. It is very rarely seen, is usually caused by nervous disorders and should be referred to a physician for treatment.

HEMATIDROSIS is the sweating of blood. It is similar to Chromidrosis except that the excretion is mixed with blood. It is very rare and usually follows hysteria or extreme nervous excitement in which blood capillaries have been ruptures. This condition should be referred to a physician for treatment.

URIDOSIS is the presence of excessive uric acid in the perspiration. It is a constitutional disease requiring the treatment of a physician.

SUDMEN is an eruption of tiny whitish pimples that do not contain pus, but are filled with perspiration. It is accompanied by fever, itching and profuse sweating. Soothing powders and astringents may be applied and bran and bicarbonate of soda baths are helpful. Prickly heat is one form of the disease.


In the treatment of several types of skin diseases covered it is urged to be careful of infecting both yourself and the patron. All the rules of sterilization with which you have become well acquainted by now should be adhered to diligently as you proceed in this phase of beauty culture. The slightest infection may cause great pain, result in the loss of a limb, cause cancer, or prove fatal. Sterilize each and every tool before and after the treatments and remember eternal vigilance is the price of success. 





There is no other branch of the profession which affords the operator a better opportunity to prove her skill and ability than giving a beneficial and restful facial massage.

Massage has been practiced on mankind from time immemorial, even among uncivilized nations. Among the ancient records, massage was regarded by Roman gladiators, more than 3,000 years ago, as the best method to keep fit and ready.

There are many different methods by which the muscles of the face may be toned or invigorated, all of which will produce the required effect, namely: to cast out the impurities through the pores, to cleanse the skin and to increase the circulation of the blood. Many times operators are asked the question: "Will massage injure my face; will it grow hair on my face; will it sag muscles; will it enlarge the pores, or will it make early or premature wrinkles?" The answer is No, when done correctly.

The great majority of women would never think of retiring without the nightly application of cleansing cream. They rum in the cream vigorously, rubbing up, down and across, feeling that they are prolonging the coming of crow's feet, wrinkles, and the lines of age to their faces, and no doubt they are succeeding to a certain extent. But surely, a well-trained operator who understands the nervous system, the vasculatory and the musculatory systems can increase the circulation, iron out the wrinkles, strengthen the muscles, and reduce enlarged pores with a much greater degree of success.

But before we begin with the real instruction in facial massage and relate the uses and benefits of Madam C.J. Walker's Face Creams and Tan-Off, let us call to your attention the next greatest asset in attaining the perfect complexion. Since everything in nature grows from the inside out, we must combat muddy skins, pimples and other skin ailments from the inside of our bodies. A well-regulated diet, plenty of water, sufficient rest, and an abundance of exercise, accompanied by the persistent application of Madam C.J. Walker's facial aids by a skillful operator, will keep one in touch with the "Fountain of Youth." Then, too, one's mental outlook must be bright and cheerful because worry is the chief destroyer of youth and beauty.