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If your shop requires more than your services as an operator, be sure to teach your operators suggestive salesmanship. If needs be, give them a small part of your profit on each article they sell. This will encourage them to sell more. 

Madam C.J. Walker Preparations are created especially for beauty shop sale and you should make your share of profits by selling them. In a lady's home or on her dressing table, jars of Madam C.J. Walker's Preparations are a constant reminder of your own professional services. Every woman buys powder, face creams and hair preparations and profits of 30, 40, and even 50 per cent can be made selling Walker products without any apparent effort and with just a little time. 

Careful study and keeping a close record of the sale of preparations will pay the rent and light bill, and furnish money for your vacation. Don't lose sight of the opportunity to increase the profits of your shop by your sales. 


Advertising is the world's greatest boon to business. Everywhere you go, everywhere you look, you see evidences of this great industry. Already you are one of a great advertising plan. The Madam C.J. Walker Manufacturing Company is spending thousands of dollars yearly to advertise and help you. We do not mean that to be successful in beauty culture you must go into a detailed study of advertising. The Madam C.J. Walker Company employs experts to do this for you. All that the Company wants is a little co-operation that will return to you manifold.

A small advertisement in your neighborhood weekly, stating that you are a Walker agent or operator, will always bring you business. Why? Because a large Madam C.J. Walker Manufacturing Company advertisement is likely appearing in the same paper at the same time and the reader will immediately connect you with this great organization. If the reader is already your customer, your advertisement will remind her that it is time to visit you again. If she is not your customer, she will consider giving you a trial.

Avoid copying the other fellow's advertising. Remember that you are in competition with other shops and to catch the reader's eye, you must be original. Tell them of your efficiency, laud the preparations you carry, speak the truth always, and impress the reader with the service you render. Mention in your advertisement any new devices which will add to the patron's comfort while she is in your shop.



Your windows should attract the passersby. If you are located on a well-traveled street and neglect your window display, you are guilty of gross waste. Many shop owners say that beautiful windows are half of the battle. The Madam C.J. Walker Manufacturing Company will furnish its agents free for the asking, posters and advice for making displays that will increase their incomes.


Every shop owner should know at the end of each day's work just how much profit has been made. A daily record should be kept of the work of each operator, the amount turned in from each class of work as marcels, manicures, and the gross and net profits accruing from the sale of preparations. If you are not keeping a record for each operator and each department of your business, you are not operating efficiently.

Such record will enable you to keep well stocked with Madam C. J. Walker's Preparations. You will know just what articles move the fastest and in what season you must lay in a greater supply of this or that. You will be able to estimate in advance, just what your business will bring you and just what obligations you may assume. You will know when to purchase advertising and when publicity is needed.

There are certain seasons of the year when business will slump because of the weather and because of the general financial condition of the people. These slumps you must watch so that you may be prepared when they come.

By all means, keep a record of your customers. This can be accomplished by referring to your appointment book and arranging the names of patrons in alphabetical order. When you miss a customer, give her a ring or drop her a neat card advising her of some new treatment or improvement in your shop or personal. In other words, your shop records, kept daily, unerringly, will make you an intelligent, systematic business women and hasten your financial independence.

ETHICS-Certain customs and often unwritten laws exist in the world which govern the conduct of persons engaged in the same fields of endeavor. We know these procedures by the name of ethics. Education does not license one to disavow the established order of things and the right way of doing them. In beauty culture, no less than in any other field, there are things done and things not done, ways of doing them and ways not to do them.