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+ TOM MIX DESKAIDE * THE SILENT SECRETARY * 1942 JANUARY 10 SATURDAY Fair. It snowed a few inches last night - good enough for sledding!! I sledrode a bit in morning - Got my Tom Mix Comic Book No. 6. !!!!! Took 25 days about to get it !! I have books No. now. I need 8. 2 sheepsheard [[shepherd]] minnows died. I have 4 left & 1 crab + 1 snail. I went to Dolores's in afternoon + we knitted + talked + had a good time. DESKAIDE * THE SILENT SECRETARY * 1942 JANUARY 11 SUNDAY Fair. Ned Bray, brother of Madeline Bray (a friend of Mothers - played with Mother when she was small) and who is 33 yrs old, came to dinner + supper. I went to Doloreses in the afternoon + evening. We knitted + listened to radio + talked. I stayed up til nine.