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$$ - - $$ DESKAIDE * THE SILENT SECRETARY * 1942 JANUARY 16 FRIDAY Fair. I went to school. I left my lunch at home + bought 20¢ worth at school-(I borrowed 25¢ + spent 20¢ on spagetti [[spaghetti]] (5¢), soup [[thick?]](5¢), milk (5¢), potatoe [[potato]] salad (5¢), I didn't pay back any money this week. I still owe $57.40 + have paid back 1.35 + I knitted some with Carolyn after I got out at 2:45 + before I took my lesson at 4:15. She is making a many color yarn (yarn runs from red to violet *violet blue & yellow green, etc.) afghan to put on bed. I am almost through my wash cloth. [[Footnote]] "Pity is best taught by fellowship in woe"-COLERIDGE SUGAR + shortage DESKAIDE * THE SILENT SECRETARY * 1942 JANUARY 17 SATURDAY Fair. I got my allowance today in advance - I have 45¢ now. I gave 40¢ to Carolyn for her mother to get me two balls (20¢ each) of yarn (wool) to make scarf-brown + bright yellow, Carolyn's mother couldn't get the wool. She finished my face cloth (took off needles- I don't know how. Is is 50 stitches or 8 1/2 inches wide + 8 1/2" long. Mother and Dad couldn't get sugar in 5 stores!!! [[image: sketch of face cloth with dimensions and colors]] 8 1/2" one side 8 1/2" red blue blue red 8 1/2" [[3 images scribbled out]] [[Footnote]] "Enjoy present pleasures in such a way as not to injure future ones" --SENECA