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[arrow] DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME DESKAIDE * THE SILENT SECRETARY * 1942 FEBRUARY 9 MONDAY Fair. Daylight saving time started today. The advantage is that on Sat. + Fri. nights I can get up at 7:00 (once six.) + go to bed at 9:00-9:30 (usually 8:00-8:30) + listen to a 9:30 programs. So I have more daylight in the afternoon too for we get out a 2:30 by sun I went to school. I knitted 4 rows of white, 5 of blue, 2 of green. "Good reasons must, of force, give place to better"—SHAKESPEARE DESKAIDE * THE SILENT SECRETARY * 1942 FEBRUARY 10 TUESDAY Fair. I went to school. I knitted 2 rows of yellow + 12 of white. I am done, except for taking off the needles. "There is nothing more imprudent than excessive prudence"—COLTON
Transcription Notes:
I'm not sure what the strikethrough after "9:00" says, so should I even include that there is a strikethrough there?