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Rainy.   I sent for a free bottle of Jergens hand lotion.   Address:
The Andrew Jergens Co., 3236 Alfred St., Cincinnati, Ohio.
A large guppy (female) died today (biggest)   
My tuberculosis x-ray proved I was negative.  Phew, am I glad!

"Even dress is apt to inflame a man's opinion of himself"-HOME

I sent to Junior Star Editor, 727 Star Building, Washington, D.C., and sent it in a letter to Grandma and wrote it down in my history note book & account books.  This is exactly the way it was when I sent it to the Jr. Star Page in hope of winning #1 in their weekly contests.  

(4 verses)
Rain.  I made up a poem yesterday called "The Enthusiastic Gardener".
Though spring has come,
The leaves lie yet
Beneath the beds so brown;
The damp bare earth
Lies there unused
By natures fairest crown.

The rains have come,
With drizzling days
The city streets are dim;
The thick gray clouds
Rain glistening drops
That drips from off the limb.

Packets of seeds
Lie here untouched,
The rake there gathers rest.
But O, my plans of flower beds
Its yearly planting lust.

How can I wait for planting time!!
My great ambitions rise.  
But when the time comes rolling round
The work - how I despise!

"No man is free who cannot command himself"--PYTHAGORAS