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DESKAIDE THE SILENT SECRETARY 1942 MARCH 23 MONDAY Fair & cloudy. I went to school. I got my allowance - 15 cents. [[cents symbol]] I have 15 cents [[cents symbol]] in my spending money now. I paid it back to Mother. I owe her only $1.41 now (I did owe $1.56). "Who has deceived thee so often as thyself?"--FRANKLIN MARCH 24 TUESDAY Fair & warmer. I went to school. I got $1.00 from Dolores from the newspapers she & I got together. There was $2.40 in all so she who had some of her own got $1.40. I pd Mother back $1. I only owe Mother .41 cents [[cents symbol]] now. Dolores and her dad sold the newspapers last night on the way to her dentists. "The greatest of all flatterers is self-love"--ROCHEFOUCAULD