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April 10 Friday

Rainy. I went to school. At 12:00 last night Dolores's whole family went to Renn [Penn]. where her great-grandmother lives - she is sick. (about old 80) to come home Sun. Her brother (who works in navy yard & goes to college - one course - English - works from [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[//strikethrough]] 3:00 P.M. to 12:30 at night. + goes to school from 11 to 12 or 10-11 ( I don't remember - might be 10-12 or 11-1)) went too. 

"Success at first doth many times undo men at last"--VENNING

April 11 Saturday

Fair. I stayed home. I went over to Marie Johnson at about 1:00 P.M. + tried to teach her how to diagram sentences with gerunds + participles in them. It was hard for she had missed a lot of school. After that I played with Bobby. We both picked violets - we each sold 13¢ worth (26¢ + 1¢=27¢ we never got) I have 59¢ now in my spending money. I sold [[equation: 46+13=59]] some to Mrs. Wright + Mrs. Ballow.  (Mrs Wright - 17¢ - Mrs. Ballow 10¢)

"We need to suffer that we may learn to pity"--L.E. LANDON

Transcription Notes:
Not sure where to put comment above (26¢+1¢)