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DESKAIDE * THE SILENT SECRETARY * 1942 May 12 Tuesday Fair. I went to school. One sheepshead in small jar died. I put remaining two with salt water fish, arranged big stones around pool, silk trees, fern garden, ferns etc. + put water from pail in jars in basement, sand from pail in box + small stones from can into jar + cleaned everything up + fed catfish worms + changed them. "Good order is the foundation of all good things" -BURKE DESKAIDE * THE SILENT SECRETARY * 1942 May 13 Wednesday Fair. I went to school. I changed my guppy aquarium - I have 8 guppies - all female but one, 1 darter, 1 mosquito fish, 1 black mollie and piles of water plants and snails for I put [[crossed out]] most of the snails and water plants from jar there. I am going to be in the spelling contest in the auditorium tomorrow!! "Be great in act, as you have been in thought" -SHAKESPEARE