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$$-$$ DESKAIDE * THE SILENT SECRETARY * 1942 JULY 7 TUESDAY Fair. I worked (German, mostly) Chapter 6 (20 in all) all morning + picked 2 qts. blackberries in the afternoon. + sold them immediately - a man called for them before I could get to the houses!! I have 40ยข more (they (boxes) were really heaping) giving me &5.60!!! Brian McDonald plays with Billy Brian!! 5.20 + .40 = $5.60 [[Footnote]] "Blame-all and praise-all are two blockheads"--FRANKLIN JULY 8 WEDNESDAY Fair. I finished my white necklace. I wear 'em like this: [[Drawing of necklace]] outside, blue, next white, last green. They are all beautiful + hang almost to my waist. I picked + sold 2 qts (40 cents [[cents symbol]] more). I have $6.00!! now!! Then the Penny's (who live between Virginia Mark's and Bobby Williams) + little Monte (boy about 2) + Bobby and her Grandma + went after blackberries in Arlington, near Sleepy Hollow - 3 places. I picked 3 1/2 qts., Bobby picked 3, + the Penny's picked 2 gal., Bobby's picked 3 qts. too. I will sell them tomorrow. [[Footnote]] "Avoid a questioner, for he is also a tattler"--HORACE