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I finished chapter 8 in German today- 2 days per chapter + 4 pages reading
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I got an icecrem so did mabel- I owe her 10¢ I got some good peaches n
Fair. I went to the store in the 
morning. We get up around 7:30
+ go to bed at 9:00. I cut out (of Mrs Barry's "Ladies Home Journal") 
one Jergen's hand Lotion coupon 
to mail when I get back. I cut 
out another from the "Life" I found 
on the train yesterday. In the 
afternoon Mabel + I played
jacks, rode our bikes + dripped 
candles- I am making a blue
one for Mrs. Barry- she leaves
on her vacation Monday. I
got it about 2/3 done. We went to 
5 + 10¢ store + Mabel got a 
pink candle + made one too -
hers is shorter than mine - she
doesn't like making them very
much. Her mother is mad at 
her for not working much - she [[arrow pointing to mother]]
was sick a lot. Then I came
home, ate, fed Bun Bun - I let
him out the cage a bit &
went to bed. I saw Jackie once.
"Not failure, but low aim, is crime"-J.R. LOWELL
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We go 
in the movies tomorrow (I hope 
Mabel can go)
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$$ Movie
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[[strikethrough]] Fair [[/strikethrough]] Rainy. In the morning 
mother + I walked to store, got 
an appointment with a dentist 
there for Mon. and Tue. at 3:00 P.M. 
to fill 6 teeth or less + clean them!!!
In the afternoon Mabel couldn't 
go to the movies with me so I went 
alone + talked to a girl there. It
cost me 11¢!! I was expecting 
to pay 30¢!! It was "Dr. Kildare's 
Victory" (good) + "Sleepytime Gal"
(good-quite) + a cowboy serial 
(lousey). Then I went home
after buying 3 qts milk. -20¢ 
quart- 5¢ on bottle. I didn't 
get any icecream. The way I figured 
it [[strikethrough]] $40 [[/strikethrough]]
[[table - 2 columns]]
| before:           | now: |
|$2 - Bond          | $2 - Bond |
|$3 - dress         | $4 - dress |
|$3 - movies (7 wks)| $1 - movies (wks) |
|$2 = spend 50¢     | $3 - spend 11¢  |
I will (from allowances) have 
more dollar making 10 in all.
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I finished 
Mrs. Barry's 
blue necklace + 
yellow one- I gave blue to her -it 
goes below her collar
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[[image of necklace and collar]]
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"In great attempts it is glorious even to fail"- LONGINUS

Transcription Notes:
I cannot read the bottom right margin on the right page. Response to above note: That is because is it a drawing/image