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Fair.  In the morning I went
to the store twice - once for 10 1bs of groceries 10 lbs of paint
(2 qt. cans) for Dad's little 
house + steps (side porch - gray) + dash on side porch (white) 1 can
white, 1 gry.), last time for 1 gal. (20 lbs) of colonial yellow
for little house and 1 pt.
turpentine. It was awfully
heavy.  I got home did German,
made a pie(blueberry) before 
I went to the store - pie was good
at lunch & in the afternoon went 
to movie - Remember Pearl 
Harbor (good-very), Dumbo (by Walt Disney (cute), Serenades ([[crossed out]] country [[/crossed out]] music) & a Superman comic strip one (good). I pd. 11¢ - have (had $8.98) $8.87 left. Mabel got in for that too but asked & I suspect will pay 30¢ next time - there goes my spending money. Mabel doesn't see why I can't afford things. I am mad & tired. 
[[right margin]] Thats [[writing covered by fold in spine]]
[[/right margin]]
[[left margin]] Listened to "Commandos" at 8:30 - good.

[[right page]]
July 26 SUNDAY

Fair. In the morning I went (11:00) with Mabel to the Episcopel [[Episcopal]] church about 15 people there in all.  We had to bow & pray a lot - dumb. Then (I forgot to give my 10¢ to church) we went to drug store & each got 15¢ soda - she pd. 5¢ of mine, I pd. 10¢ - plum royale soda ice cream with strawberry sauce very good. Then we went home. I wore a turban of Mabel's something looked dumb (not because of [[↑ pointing to turban]]. Mabel's Mother (likes me) gave me a tiny red coin purse!! Nice of her. In the afternoon, after lunch & German, Mabel came over (2:00) & we painted one side of Dad's house yellow/ frames white. Mother did door gray - tomorrow or later.
Then we lay around reading. I went to store on her bike & got 1 1/2 pt. icecream & fixed each other's hair & had lots of fun until she left. Then went to bed at 9:00. Listened to Inner Sanctum Mysteries at 8:30 (WHDH) - good & very scary.