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[[top margin]]
I had $9.02 I have $8.89 left $ $
[[/top margin]]

Cloudy. In the morning
I worked + did German -
made 2 pies - 1 large apple, 
(Mabel's apples from her tree)
+ one blueberry (very tiny
with oatmeal + grapenuts) 
for Bun Bun (Rabbit). In the 
afternoon, Mabel + I went 
to the movies "Reap the
Wild Wind" starring Paulette
Goddard, Ray Milland +
John Wayne - very very
good. Mother went too 
with Amy + some of Amy's
relations. The scene of the
battle with the octopus was
best + scary. Also was a 
short story on 8 American
spies + one showing the 8 saboteurs caught (true - 8
German saboteurs were caught a while 
ago. Their trial is still on)
After it was raining hard
so Amy took us home in
her car + Mabel [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] to our house. 
"True art is reverent imitation of God"-TRYON EDWARDS

[[left margin]]
I pd. 15¢ to get in (Children Special fare for [[arrow to Reap the Wind]]) + Mabel payed 40¢
[[/left margin]]

[[right margin]] after the shower ended, Mabel [[?]] We had no icecream one of our umbrellas today
[[/right margin]]

[[right page]]
Rainy. I got one more Jergen's
coupon I have 9 now! In the
moring [[morning]] I went to the dentists to find
that he was at a Draft Board
meeting and that our appointments
(Mabel's + mine) were next Thursday.
So I went to Mabel's and stayed
til lunch. In the afternoon I 
went over there and we fooled 
around went into town +
parted for home. I am cutting
out powder + face cream
sample coupons too - have 8
of them. I learned a new way to
make small bow ribbons -by 
tying in middle (I do that) and
copying the way bought ones are
made. - They turn out prettier 
than bought ones.

"Next to excellence is the appreciation of it"-Thackeray

Transcription Notes:
- I cannot read the note written on the calendar that seems to be upside down. - I also cannot read the note on the right margin because the pages folds at that part. I got part of the upside down note but it seems a bit nonsensical. Maybe someone else can add to it/correct it.