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[Left Side] $ $ Deskaide | The Silent Secretary | 1942 August | 30 | Sunday Fair. [[Strikethrough]] In the morning [[/Strikethrough]] I worked hard all morning (mother did too - painted + scraped paint off glass on windows (storm ones for winter)) scraping paint from [arrow inserted]window. I went to store for milk (little store.). In the afternoon at about 2:00 I went over to see Helen Bullock & stayed until I was called on phone to come home at 9:30. We played Chinese Checkers, talked, etc. & had a good time. I gave her the brass candlesticks & [[strikethrough]] cup which she added to [[strikethrough]] her [[strikethrough]] knick-knack collection of tiny things - I helped her dust & put it back myself (across room - she can't walk - knees bend under her). Then I went home, ate & went to bed at 9:00. Monday: We bought a 35¢ box of fresh "strawberries" from a man. I got my allowance - 15¢. I had 7.13, have 7.28 now! 7.13 .15 ----- 1.28 (NEXT PAGE) AUGUST 31 MONDAY DADS BIRTHDAY [[paragraph written over small monthly calendars]] It's funny to hear a person [[?]] but clear. ToDay is the Birthday of Sidney Fay Blake, now 50. Fair. In the morning I worked hard, went to store, etc. & in the afternoon I had to go to the dentist. (My appointment was in the morning but [[strikethrough]] he forgot & wasn't there! Grr-r. So I had to go to him (1 tooth, no more necessary, upper 2 teeth from front on right.) instead of going to Brocton with Mabel to get her school shoes. After that I went to Patty's but she wasn't home so I went to Helen's & played til about 9:30. Then I came home, ate, & went down to Atherton's [[?ck]] to the old pond where I got a bunch of snails, duckweed & water plant to give to Helen to watch - she enjoys them because a friend on vacation let her care for her fish (4) & snail which she enjoyed watching. Different kind, but she was very pleased. Then I came home & was going to bed when a long distance call came from Arlington. I was scared it was Daddy wanting to know for sure if we were coming [[ Right margin]] on Thursday at 6:30. I told him we were. & urged to hurry up. [[Top margin, written upside down]] I needn't have - you get 3 min for 75¢ - but I did hang [[left margin]] up just as mother rushed in (oh, look) told her. Dad had expected us on Tue. at 6:30 & when he got letter saying Thursday, he wanted to make sure.