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[[header]] DESKAIDE * THE SILENT SECRETARY * 1942 [[/header]]
Fair. Our last day, leave this afternoon. In the morning I went out on the pier & fished until lunch - got 9 fish - all [[line connecting to left margin]] kept 3 for cat. [[/line connecting to left margin]] spot. In the afternoon I went back & a boat (red) rowed by Jimmy & two girls in it getting crabs. GRR. They caught 18 crabs (I got 1) -19, then came back. Meanwhile, a stroke of luck, a toadfish which swells to a balloon size I caught. Jimmy liked him & when they landed I went with them & we went in swimming - rowed boat out but it was only to shoulders. We swam a little (Ann, girl who lives here, didn't. Jimmy goes back today. He can dive. Then we went to shore & I swam with Mother & Dad. then I dried, changed into shorts & let Elmer (fish) go & took bucket back to house on hill & stopped by at store where Jimmy & 2 were. Then I went home & ate & packed. After while we left at 5:45 & got home at 7:30

[[footnote]] "Without labor nothing prospers"—SOPHOCLES [[/footnote]]

[[top margin]] $$ [[/top margin]]
[[header]] DESKAIDE * THE SILENT SECRETARY * 1942 [[/header]]
Fair. In the morning I dusted, etc & counted my clothes - I have 4 sweaters (pink, dark pink, blue, red), 4 dumb looking skirts (3 really - red, pink, dark blue, & plaid pink & blue - dumb looking all.), + 4 blouses & 5 dresses. I listened to radio, ate lunch. In the afternoon I painted my nails (3 coats, 1 transparent (3 in all)) & tried to sell necklaces - no success. So I played with Bobby. When she got home & went to the store (D.G.S.) Dolores came over before supper & stayed late - I rode my bike to her house. I got my allowance - 15¢. I had $7.33 +.15 = 7.48 - have $7.48 now.

[[footnote]] "Understand your antagonist before you answer him"—WASEY [[/footnote]]

Transcription Notes:
Unsure how to properly transcribe her handwritten math problem based on the $7.33 written in the last sentence where she adds it up to get her total amount of money. Difficult to format properly in line with typed text.