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[[Left Page]] Deskaide * The Silent Secretary * 1942 November 20 Friday Fair and colder. I went to school as usual. In the test in geometry, since most everybody was at the football game (between us and Central) the test wasn't given but [[strikethrough]]2 to[[/strikethrough]] anyone who wanted could do 2 of the three ex. on the test. The test (rest of) will be given Tue. I did the problems. I didn't have very much homework. [[Right page]] Deskaide * The Silent Secretary * 1942 November 21 Saturday Dentist $$-$$ Bananas Fair. in the morning went alone to the dentist in Warlington (same as 2 weeks ago, at 11:30) + in about 46 min. to fill two teeth - good - didn't [[strikethrough]]her[[/strikethrough]] hurt at all. Then I came home, got a job raking leaves on the way - at Mr. Brumbork's (3 Bumbork homes) second house form Carolyn's on the left. So after lunch Dolores came over & we raked the front part of the lawn + one hard side - one more easy side + back to do - and we will get 1.50 in all!!! Mother + Dad got some bananas. We worked three hours (from 2:00 to 5:00)! I sold Peggy 7 Jergen's lotion bottles for 15ยข!! I had 3.20 and have $3.35. I have 6 Jergen's left.