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$$$$$$ DESKAIDE * THE SILENT SECRETARY * 1942 DECEMBER 16 WEDNESDAY Fair + very cold. I went to school as usual. Had a lot of homework, so stayed home-an awful lot. Mother, while downtown, got a sailor pin (11c) for Doris Chichester. I had $2.16 left to spend for presents + have $2.05 left now! (+ 56c left over) DESKAIDE * THE SILENT SECRETARY * 1942 DECEMBER 17 THURSDAY Fain + very cold (18[[degrees]]). I went to school as usual. Dolores goes to school 1/2 day today + then begins her vacation! Lucky. I get off beginning next Thurs. Dolores came over + I went to her house for a little while. A peddler came by + left a resurrection plant-will come back tomorrow for 25c - but we will give it back. I had quite a little homework. I finished the boy- trouser top on each side, 1 row on bottom - on long side - red, on short, yellow. It [[liegen?]] to snow about 4:00.