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(3) Integration with National and International Global Change Research Activities

Both U.S. and foreign governments, collaborating closely with researchers at universities and in the private sector, have begun in the last few years to develop a cohesive approach to studying the global earth system. Examples of recent studies the focus on the study of the Earth as a single, integrated system include:

• "Earth System Science: A Program for Global Change" published in 1986 by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Earth System Sciences Committee;

• "Global Change in Geosphere-Biosphere: Initial Priorities for an IGBP" published in 1986 by the National Academy of Sciences; and

• the International Council of Scientific Unions has organized the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme and recently published a plan of action. 

Building on these and related studies, the Program will develop national and international partnerships between governmental bodies, the academic science community, and the private research sector to achieve the specific objectives and long-term goals of the U.S. Global Change Research Program.

Transcription Notes:
Collaboration should be changed to "collaborating" in the first paragraph.