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proposes $158.9 million for research, 83 percent of the total FY 1990 budget. However, it is anticipated that the ratio between the four types of activities will change significantly over the next several years. Planning funds have been included for future observing systems, their data management needs, and associated facilities. These planning efforts and the Program's coordination mechanisms will ensure the most efficient use of these capital investments. In particular, the CES is working with the interagency Working Group on Data Management for Global Change to address the future data management needs of the Program. The CES plans to maximize the use of existing archive systems (e.g., DOI/USGS's Earth Resources Observations Satellite Data Center and DOC/NOAA's National Climate Data Center). 

Figure 4
U.S. Global Change Research Program by Federal Budget Function
[[image - bar graph comparing funding for research programs between 1989 and 1990]]

Budget by Federal Budget Function

Scientific, environmental, energy, and agricultural resources are very important to our Nation. All either impact or are impacted by global change.