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Figure 4 illustrates the Program's funding level by the Federal budget functions that encompass these national resources. As would be expected, the budget proposes significant increases for budget functions 250 and 300. In FY 1990, $75.0 million is proposed for function 250, a 40 percent increase over FY 1989. For function 300, $65.6 million is proposed for FY 1990, a 57 percent increase over FY 1989. 

Despite the broad distribution across these budget functions and, hence, across many Executive Branch and Congressional decision making paths, it is crucial to view the Program as a single integrated research effort. The success of many of the science objectives is dependent on the cooperation and contributions of all the individual agency programs. Thus, decisions concerning these investments should attempt to recognize the full scope and structure of the U.S. Global Change Research Program.  

Table 2 

1989-1990 U.S. Global Change Research Program Budget by Budget Function 
(Dollars in Millions)
[[4 Columned Table]]
|Budget Function|Budget Function Number|1989|1990|
|General Science, Space and Technology|250|53.7|75.0|
|Energy (DOE)|270|20.2|27.2|
|Natural Resources & Environment|300|41.7|65.6|
|Agriculture (USDA)|350|18.3|22.7|