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as part of the ISY. Such a project should also include establishment of procedures for long-term calibration and intercomparison between the satellite sensors.

In the context of the proposed IGBP Joint Global Ocean Flux Study, fields of ocean chlorophyll should be measured. In 1992, both MOS and LANDSAT-6 are expected to be flying instruments to measure ocean color, from which can be derived the distribution of chlorophyll in the surface layers. Knowledge of this distribution is a high priority requirement for proposed international studies of nutrient cycling in the euphotic zone and transfer through the thermocline beneath. Effective mechanisms need to be established for making the data accessible to scientists in a timely manner and evaluat

[[second column]]

ing the relationships between the satellite imagery and more extensive in situ sampling, both of biological variables and of the physical structure of eddies.


The environment of the proposed GIST is shown in Figure 1. A broad categorization of activities for the GIST itself is shown in Figure 2, together with a possible organizational structure and milestones in Figures 3 and 4, respectively. As a first step, the task of the ISY is to define the organization that will state the requirements and suggest the means to create the GIST  capability shown in Figure 1.

         Global Information System Test

                  The Environment

[[enboxed]] Observing System [[/enboxed

High Volume Data Stream Low Information Density

[[enboxed]]GIST Capability  [[/enboxed]]

Low Volume Products
High Information Density

[[enboxed]] International Research Programs [[/enboxed]]

[[these three boxes form a triangle; at the bottom of the triangle are these words]]  Design of future observing system

        Figure 1. The GIST Environment
