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Espoo (Helsinki), Finland    July 22, 1988

The Space Agency Forum on International Space Year (SAFISY) met for the first time at the ISY Mission to Planet Earth Conference in Durham, New Hampshire, April 29 - May 1, 1988. It was agreed at that time to hold a follow-up meeting alongside the COSPAR plenary session in Espoo, Finland. Accordingly, the second SAFISY meeting was held on Friday, July 22, 1988, from 2:00-6:00pm at the Dipoli Congress Centre of the Helsinki University of Technology. The agenda is attached.


Minister Hubert Curien of France chaired the meeting. In his opening remarks, he welcomed the participants and expressed pleasure on behalf of SAFISY at having the International Council of Scientific Unions represented. He explained that he hoped the meeting would result in a clearer understanding of the management of ISY and made known his preference for an informal management structure. 

Review of the ISY Mission to Planet Earth Conference
Harvey Meyerson presented the New Hampshire conference report. On behalf of SAFISY, the Chairman expressed appreciation to Mr. Meyerson for his efforts in organizing a successful and productive conference.

Panel of Experts on Earth Science

Lennard Fisk submitted the list of proposed members for the Panel of Experts on Earth Science. It was agreed that the space agency officials would review the proposed membership and suggest changes to NASA by September 15, 1988. The Panel will include individuals from academia as well as government agencies.
Ichtiaque Rasool presented a project proposal on the Greenhouse Effect. It was agreed that the Panel would meet for the first time in the autumn of 1988 to consider the Greenhouse project and the recommendations from the ISY Mission to Planet Earth Conference Working Groups. 

United Nations Outer Space Committee

The Chairman reported that ISY had been discussed at the June meeting of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space. He read an excerpt from the Committee report which deals with ISY. A copy of the excerpt is attached.