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The Scientific and Technical Subcommittee of COPUOS will consider at their next meeting in February making a recommendation to the full UN General Assembly on ISY. 

SAFISY Affiliated Organizations 

The Chairman explained that SAFISY is intended to be a forum among space agencies and that good relations with other international organizations is essential to the success of ISY.

Sir John Kendrew reported that ICSU does not yet have a formal position with regard to ISY. He explained that ICSU has an ISY planning committee chaired by Richard West, but that the draft report from the committee had not yet been submitted to the full assembly for consideration. He mentioned that ICSU has twenty unions that would be interested in ISY projects such as the Greenhouse Effect. Since IGBP will only be starting at the time of ISY, he indicated that data from ISY will be of great interest to the IGBP community. 

W. Ian Axford explained that COSPAR is waiting for ICSU's formal position with regard to ISY, but that COSPAR would be willing to serve as a focal point for ICSU's ISY activities. 

The Chairman stressed the need for participation of both agencies and organizations in ISY, with neither group subordinate to the other. Citing the management structures contained in the ICSU ISY committee draft report, he expressed his belief that ICSU did not want to manage the ISY, but rather wants an opportunity to provide scientific direction and ensure participation. 

Sir John Kendrew made it clear that ICSU is not in favor of unnecessary bureaucratic structures for ISY. He explained the ICSU function as mobilizing the whole scientific community which is always ready to work on science programs. He suggested that ICSU feels a strong responsibility to the developing world and wants to involve them in the ISY process. He endorsed the Mission to Planet Earth theme because it is open to the participation of the developing countries, including those that do not have satellites. 

The Chairman reiterated the need for complementarity, rather than competition, among space agencies and the international scientific organizations. He recalled that at the time of IGY, space agencies did not exist, but that the current situation is vastly different. The Chairman pointed out that no single entity can be the exclusive owner of the ISY idea and suggested that ISY can best be observed by involving scientists from all communities without adhering to a bureaucratic structure. 

Education and Application

Jacques-Louis Lions reported on the intent of CNES to think seriously about education and to organize an international meeting