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[[left page]] San Marcial Citellis spilosoma heard. com. Perodipus Thomomys on flats Thomomys small on mesa Dipodomys spectabilis on mesa 6 mi. abu[[?]] Lepus texanus 2 on mesa com Nestoria[[?]] nieropus[[?]] com Lepus arizonae[[?]] com [[/left page]] [[right page]] Aug. 1- below San Marcial Populus Salix 2 Prosopis glandulosa Prosopis pubesens Baccharis glutinosa Hymanophila[[?]] monogysa[[?]] Plyaeia[[?]] loudis[[?]] Atriplex canescens Covillea Dalea canescens Artemisia filifolia Ephedra , big green Gutierrezia Crocker Yucca radiosa [[strikethrough]] Baccharis glutinosa [[/strikethrough]] Covillea on S slopes Mesquite low a Flourensia cernua Eagle Same[[?]], dilute[[?]] Lower Sonoran[[?] mostly Yuccas & grass Cutter Same, more Solopes[[?]] & vars[?]] Lower Sonoran[[?]] [[/right page]]
Transcription Notes:
all have been verified through google or wikipedia except [[?]] ones
- as per SI instructions, no need to underline