This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.
Ridge 4800 Hachita 4575 Correct alt 4504 Aneroid set 4504 [[he set his aneroid]] Valley bottom 4450 Covillea tridentata abu Flourensia abu Rhus microphylla abu Ephedra abu Koeberlinia abu Lysium abu Yucca radiosa abu Yucca monocarpa west side Mesquite com west side Spring 8 mi, 4800 Populus Agave Fouquiera Celtis Juniperus Yellow flower bush (Cassia?) Baccharis glutinosa Salix Fallugia Mimosa Kupeofera[[?]] Opuntia schottii Opuntia leptocaulis Opuntia engelmannii Berberis Ptelea Nolina Microchamios [[?]] Chilopsis Lyssium[[Lycium?]] pallidum Senecio douglasi Divide 5100 Acacia constricta? same old plants again Valley de Las Playas Camp E. of Playa 4350
Transcription Notes:
I see why people are avoiding this page, very hard to decipher!
Could lysium be alyssum?
I've started keeping lists of genus species I've found(with a high degree of probability of correctness because it is something found in SW USA) in this project with a high degree of probability because when I come across it on a later page, I can reference it easier. But this guys handwriting is very hard to decipher, especially when his spelling is off!
I have found very helpful for the plants when you can get the first three or more letter of the genus.