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August 10 Gray Ranch 5000
Antilocapra B. amer. [[americana]], Com.
in bunches of 3 to 20, prob 3 [[?]] in valley.
Dipodomys spectabilis, com
Thomomys      com
Canis mex-    com
Canis mearnsi[[?]]  1  com
Lynx baileyi  com
Falco         a few
Urocyon       1
Vulpes neo mexicanis, abu
Nasua     1 killed a month ago
Zayasan, com.
Falco area 15 years ago

To Lang Ranch:
Antelope 4
Said to be seen 3 to 5 & 27 and 35 in bunches [[?the whole sentence?]]
Cynomys  abu. all along
Dipodomys spectabilis, com
Citellus spalssons[[?]]   1
Lepus gaillordi[[?]], said to occur
Taxidea  com
Thomomys com

Aug.10 to Lang Ranch
Otocoris    com
Ammodramus  com
Sturnella   1
Pooecetes   1
Falco phaloera  1

Ridge across valley 5200
Lang Ranch 5100
Atalpha[[?]] cinesea[[?]] 2
Dipodomys spectabilis

Eagle 8 lbs. 80 inches
Crop full of dead[[?]] deer[[?]]
stomach a little deer[[?]]

Transcription Notes:
abu = abundant com = common "now-defunct genus Atalpha" Wikipedia Big Red Bat entry The only reason I can get most of these is that I've been keeping a list of all the plants and animals he's recorded so far. One I've seen a few times and cannot figure out is Pooecetes? line 5 on right page. Its been on several pages but never legible enough.