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Aug. 11 Lang Ranch 5100 Oxyechus Falco mexicans 1 Buteo swainsoni 3 Buteo white 1 Cathartes com Aquila 1 Otocoris com Citellis spilosoma 1 Citellis parvidens 2 Antelope 1 Pass 5500 Nolina Opuntia schotti Opuntia lindheimeri? Quercus emoryi Quercus arizonica Yucca (thin hsf[[?]]) Yucca macrocarpa or baccata Prosopis south slopes Agave palmeri Mimosa biuncifera Juniperos pachyphlaea a few Culbertson[[?]] Upper Ranch 5200 Platanus Fraxinus Populus Salix Vitis Buniclia[[?]] Fallugia Prosopis glandulosa SW Yucca radiosa Chilopsis Hyrmevehlia[[?]] caloda[[?]] [[below are animals and birds - good luck!]] Callipepla Zonotrichia[[?]] Aphelocoma 2 Dryobates s. varialis[[?]] 2 Pyramya Tyrannus vociferans Myiarchrus[[?]] Pipilo maculatus[[?]] Falco phaleora Zenaidura Cathartes Heleodytes 2 Mimus leucoptera com Culbertson[[?]] Ranch 5000 Chondestes Geococcyx [[meep meep ;-) ]] Corvus cryptoleucus Edge of Valley 4850 High Lonesome 4750
Transcription Notes:
found some of these in Mammals of the Mexican Boundary of the United States