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Aug. 12, Hig [[High]] Lonesome 4700 Falco mexicanus com Buteo swainsoni com Buteo calurus com Falco phalaena com Mimus leucoptera com Heliodilus Otocoris Com Molothris 1 Corvus cryptoleucus com Tyrannus vociferans Toxostoma a few Zenaidura a few Cathartes com Piranga ludoviciana 2 Geococcyx 2 Zenaidura a few Amphispiza bilineata a few Toxostoma palmeri 1 Dryobates s. bairdi 1 Aug.12 Playas Va. Yucca radiosa abu Prosopis com in places Juglans major Chilopsis along wash Zizyphus com Koeberlinia com Lycium andersonii com Atriplex canescens com Gutierrezia com Flourensiana Rhus microphylla a little Cienega Ranch 4400 [[strikethrough]] Toxastoma palmeri?[[/strikethrough]] 1 [[strikethrough]] Geococcyx [[/strikethrough]] Populus acuminata [[strikethrough]] linearis [[/strikethrough]] [[?]] at ranch Hatchet Ranch 43500 Populus acuminata [[Milea?]] Covillea on mesa Fouquiera on hills Haolita 4600
Transcription Notes:
com = common
abu = abundant
first "quantity" + dittos under marking hard to read- I think "One" based on other pretty loopy capital O's- but if someone recognizes a different indication from elsewhere, please correct