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Aug. 21. Camp in Rocky Cr. Pinus ponderosa N.E. (800-8000) Pinus strobiformis n. slope Pinus edulis Pseudotsuga Juniperus pachyphloea s. slope Juniperos monosperma s. slope Quercus emoryi s. slope Quercus arizonae s. slope Quercus gambeli N. slope 7900 Populus augustifolia 6000-8500 downstream Salix Salix Populus tremuloides NE 8500 Holodiscus Symphoricarpos Ribes Rubus Penstemon barbatus Penstemon Gilia longiflora Potentilla (maroon) Quercus Hypoleuca 9000- Abies concolor NE 9000- Populus tremuloides com NE 9000- Pachystemon NE 9000- Cerassus demissa " 8500- Ceanothus fendleri 9000- Berberis fendleri 8000-9000 Yucca baccata SW -8000 Rosa Camp, Aug. 23 8100 Up Black Mts. Aspen Spring 9000 Peak of_______ 9750 [[?]] top of peak Pinus ponderosa Pinus flexilis Pseudotsuga Abies concolor Populus tremuloides Quercus gambeli Robinia neomexicana Holodiscus Symphoricarpos Ceanothus Opulastis[[?]] small sp. Frasera spraisa[[?]] Wyethia big yellow Rubus nutkanus Pteris Faces[[?]] of Rocks[[?]] 7700 Acer glabrum NE 7700 Alnus 7700 Rhamnus purshiana 7700
Transcription Notes:
I checked the species names online as they are both somewhat illegible and in Latin ;) and used the correct version unless it was clear they were misspelled in the original.