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Frisco Sept 1-3
Buteo b. calurus 1  337b
Circus    331         1
Falco sparverius   360   com
Accipiter velox    332     1
Bubo         375         heard
Geococcyx    385     said to be com
[[crossed out]]Calep[[/crossed out]] Lophortyx gambeli 295 com
Cyrtonyx mearusi  296 said to be com
Dryobates hiloscopus 393
Melanerpes p. bairdi 407    1
Colaptes collaria 413     com
Sayornis saya      457     com
Contopus richardsoni 462  heard
Erupa danax[[?]]          heard
Aphelocoma        480     com
Cyanocephalus      478     abu
Mimus leucoptera  703     1
Habia melanocephala 596     1
Parus gambeli      738    com
Baeolophus         733a   com
Pipilo arcticus    588    com
Pipilo mesoleucus  592     1
Geothlypis tolweys'[[tolmiei]] 680   1
Zenaidura            316  com
Cathartes            325  com
Tyrannus vociferans  448   1
Astragalinus         529  com
Aquila     2        349

Sept.3, Camp  6400
Reserve 6300
San Franscisco Mts
Crick at 7 miles  7300
Mesa in timber  7700
Top of ridge  8650
Peak  9000
Aquila chrysaeta  349  1
Columba fasciata  312  7500-8500
Meleagris  tracks  310
Falco sparverius  360  1
Melanerpes  407  acorn holes  abu
Colaptes collaria  413  com
Dryobates hiloscopus 393
Horozopus[[?]]  462  1
Selasphorus rufus  433 com
Selasphorus platycercus  432 com
Junco caniceps  570b  com
Dendroica townsendi  668 com
Dendroica auduboni  656  com
Helminthophila celata 646 com
Wilsonia  685  1
Sitta nelsoni  721  com
Sitta pygmaea  730  abu
Cyanocitta  478  com
Cyanocephalus  492  com
Merula  761  a few
Sialia bairdi  767  com
Vireo swainsoni  627  4
Cephalocoma  480  com up to 8500 SW
Piranga  607  ♀  1  8500

Transcription Notes:
-abu - abundant -com - common -circus is a bird genus - tricky to google -left page is animals This should, of course, be reviewed by someone familiar with these plants or animals or previous pages. Not sure if the '1' on these pages is a number or just a mark. ITS A 1 Not sure what the numbers in pencil refer to, but I would guess that they're pages to some sort of guide book - useful to reference if we know what it is. Yes I thought that too. It would be very very helpful! Dryobates occurs twice on this project page with the same 393 after it...