Viewing page 48 of 55

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

Eutamius dorsalis com
Citellus grammurus  com
Peromyscus truei  a few
Peromyscus sonoriensis     abu    
Peromyscus texensis  1 
Neotoma albigula  com
Neotoma  furry tail  com
Thomomys  [[crossed out]] fosso.& opach [[/crossed out]] 
Lepus arizonae
Lepus texensis
Canis latrans

Sept. 27, Left Gallup

Rock Springs

Camp 2 mi w of Rock Sp.

[[page end]]
[[page begin]]

Sept. 29  Camp  8:30
Otocoris 474
Croseoptis[[?]] 702
Amphispiza  neondnis[[?]] 574.1
Spizella   560
Lanius  622   1
Colaptes  413   1
Dendroica auduboni  656   1
Querquedula discors  140  12
Corvus sinaloae   486

Sept. 30  Ft. Defiance
Falco sparverius 360
Corvus sinuatus 413
Carpodacus 519
Spizella 560
Dendroica auduboni  656  com
Sialia arctica  768  com
Sialia bairdi 767  com
Colaptes  413  com
Cyanocephalus  492  com

Transcription Notes:
Even though some of these entries are illegible, I based the transcription on previous project pages where the field guide number is the same (e.g. Cyanocephalus 492 is repeated on other project pages). If anyone knows what book Bailey used as a Field Guide, that would be of great help decoding some of his entries. It has to be a book published before 1908, so I have not had any luck finding it.