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Fri Feb. 21, 1919

Miss Arbogast & some of the girls & boys of our room gave a play this afternoon so we didn't have school in the afternoon.  Beulah went to see the play & said it was real good.  I didn't go because Mother washed my hair.  In the evening or rather after Supper Mother took Beulah and went to the I.H.N.S. meeting at Aunt Sadies.

Sat. Feb 22 & Feb 23., 1919

We certainly had to hurry this A.M. because Mother has invited her S.S. class down this afternoon.  To my surprise about 9:45 who came but Geo.  I sure felt awful.  My hair was roled & I didn't know what to do.  He said he had to go to town early & he was on his way there.  He wanted