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187 February 21 Exam. of Plates to det. amount of var. in No. 1462/ on B381[[strikethrough]]90[[/strikethrough]]09. Sp. MC54 on var? CDM - 39°10898 16^h 47^m 54.6^s -39° 25.9^l 16^h 49.6^m -39°29^l(1900) (1900) Plate |Date |Comp. Est.| B16779|July 10, 1896| 30 90 | B13988|July 8, 1895 | 10 11.4| B16394|June 16, 1896| 19 10.1| B15686|May 4, 1896 | 30 12.0| B21366|May 2, 1898 | 10 10.9| B18712|October 29 1897|11 11.6| B26010|Sept. 5, 1900| 11 11.8| B21927|Sept. 5, 1898| 10 <13.5| B11076|May 2, 1894 | 10 <13.0| B19063|May 10, 1897 | 10 10.3| B13491|June 1, 1895 | 10 12.6| B21716|June 20, 1898| 10 <12.5| B19196|May 25, 1897 | 15 <13.0| B17077|Aug. 7, 1896 | 25 10.3| B19440|June 8, 1897 | 12 11.0| B23051|June 16, 1899| 10 13.1| B24920|March 31, 1900|60 13.0| B9380 |May 7, 1893 | 11 10.0| On exam. of three plates shows a variation of about 4.5 magn. in the above star. Estimated limits 9.0 to <13.5. Variability confirmed by Miss L.D. Wells. W.P. Flemming Feb. 21, 1908