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[[preprinted]]142[[/printed]] Grouping of E and G Stars. +61[[symbol-degree symbol]] 3[[symbol-minutes]] to Pole. 0^[[h]] to 8^[[h]] [[table]] |[[triple underlined]]3.0[[/triple underlined]]|[[triple underlined]]3.5[[/triple underlined]]|[[triple underlined]]4.0[[/triple underlined]]|[[triple underlined]]4.5[[/triple underlined]]|[[triple underlined]]5.0[[/triple underlined]]|[[triple underlined]]5.5[[/triple underlined]]|6.0| | | | | | | |[[triple underlined]]3 . .[[/triple underlined]]| [[/table]] [[margin]] D.C. [[strikethrough]]313 R...[[strikethrough]] 2799} R... }7.31 [[symbol-checkmark]] 2800} R... [[/margin]] [[table]] |3 . .|sigma+| |0 . .|sigma-| |[[underlined]]+3[[/underlined]][[symbol-checkmark]] . .|Dif.| |1[[symbol-checkmark]] . .|No.| |+.30[[symbol-checkmark]] . .|Mean| [[/table]]
Transcription Notes:
bottom right needs transcribing
Reopened for Editing 2023-05-02 12:47:45