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[[preprinted]]161[[/preprinted]] December 20, 1895. Meas. of Nova Centauri (Cont. from p 133) Plate C 8630 [[table]] | | | | |---|---|---| |10.0|k.= .2| | | |N n.s.|< 10.2| [[/table]] Plate C 8631 [[table]] | | | | |---|---|---| |10.2|l = .1| | | N n.s.|< 10.3| [[/table]] [[underlined]] Dec-21, 1895 [[/underlined]] Plate I 14099 [[table]] | | | | |---|---|---| |10.2|l = .4| | | |N n.s.|< 10.6| [[/table]] Plate C 864[[strikethrough]]4211[[/strikethrough]] [[table]] | | | | |---|---|---| |9.7|h = .3| | | |[[strikethrough]]P[[/strikethrough]]N n.s.|< 10.0| [[/table]] Plate C 8643 [[table]] | | | | |---|---|---| |10.2|l = .1| | | |N n.s.|< 10.3| [[/table]] Plate I 14112 [[table]] |10.2|l = .2| | | |N n.s.|< 10.4| [[/table]]
Transcription Notes:
Reopened for Editing 2023-11-12 22:25:58
needs table format [[DONE]]