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The Crisis Advertiser 
School of Beauty Culture and Hair Dressing 

Kelsey's - Telephone, Morningside 8162 
143 West 131st St. New York 

Manicuring, Shan:pooing, Hard Dressing, Marcel Waving, Facial and Body Massage, Hair Making, Chiropody, etc, scientifically taught. Unlimited practice in parlor day and night. Pupils taught at home, if desired. Diplomas. Special Summer Course, $7.50 up. Send for booklet. Mme. A. Carter Kelsey, Gen'l Intr.; Dr. Samuel A. Kelsey, Chiropodist, President and Gen'l Manager. 

Harriet Gibbs-Marshall, President - Louis G Gregory, Financial Secretary 
Harry A. Williams,  Vice-President - Gregoria A. Fraser, Recording Secretary 

The Washington Conservatory of Music and School of Expression 
Piano, Violin, Wind Instruments, Piano Tuning, Vocal Expression, History of Music Theory and Modern Languages

The first and only Mission Music School founded and controlled by Negroes in America. 
Many scholarships awarded. Talented student never turned away unaided. 

903 T Street, N. W. 
Washington, D. C. 

Mrs. Daisy Tapley 
Teacher of voice and piano, will take a limited number of pupils during the summer months. Choruses trained, soloists coached. For terms and appointments address the studio:
172 West 133d Street
New York 

Harmony and Composition 
Taught by Mail
Interesting and Comprehensive Course
Small monthly payments
J. Hillary Taylor
Director the Success Piano School
43 O Street N.E. Washington, D. C. 
Bell Telephone 

Mmme. Marie Jackson Stuart's 
School of Expression, Music and Dramatic Art 
A thorough, well-defined course of instruction, designed to give the student a comprehensive grasp of each subject in the shortest time. Terms reasonable. 
Drama staged. Amateurs trained. Plays revised. 
33 West 131st Street New York 

Miss Minnie Brown 
May be engaged commencements, concerts and recitals. For terms address:
172 West 133d Street New York 
Care of Tapley Studio 

A price list of recent additions to our stock of music. All by Negro composers. 

J. Rosamond Johnson 
For Thee ..................................$0.25
De Little Pickaninny's Gone To Sleep ....... .40

S. Coleridge-Taylor 
O Mistress Mine ........................... $0.40 
Once Only .................................    .40
She Rested by the Broken Brook ............    .40 
Until .....................................    .35

H. T. Burleigh 
Jean ......................................  $0.40
O Love of a Day ...........................    .40 

Jas. Reese Europe 
The Clef Club March ........................  $0.20 
(A decided hit) 

Send for complete price list. The above music will be sent postpaid on receipt of price.

26 Vesey Street New York 

Under such prominent educators as Dr. W. E. B. Du Bois, Prof. Kelley Miller, Dr. L. B. Moore, Prof G. N. Grisham, Edwina B Kruse, Jennie C. Lee, Dudley W. Woodward and a number of other well-known instructors. Courses in Psychology, Education, Ethics, History, Methods, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Music, Art, Physical Culture, Household Sciences and Industries. June 23 to August 1, 1913 

W. S. SCARBOROUGH, President.