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Purveyor Capt. Simpson arrived at Mobile having on board (24,550) Twenty seven thousand five hundred and fifty bushels of corn sent by the New York Famine Relief Commisson, one fourth of this corn was intended for Charleston S.C. one fourth for Savannah Ga. the other half was for this state. When the portion for this State came to be unloaded, it was found that the corn was heated badly and that it could only be used for food by making an immediate issue of it. Capt. Simpson consulted the most experienced grain merchants and Shippers regarding the ballance of his cargoe after a careful examination of the corn, and upon their advice, joined to that of myself. Capt. Simpson concluded to leave his whole cargo at Mobile as it would be entirely unfit for food by the time he could get word to Savannah, and Charleston. The whole of this corn was not needed for issue in this State, as green crops were then commencing to come into use, and the Bureau were in receipt of some thirty thousand bushels of corn on a contract made between E. Whittlesey Bvt. Brig. Genl. and A.I.G. and Mr Nettleton of this State, portion of this relief corn, were immediately forwarded to the points where it could be most advantageously used, at some of these points there is still some on hand,