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Christianity - the more you give it away to others the better you keep it. All men become equal before the great Leveller[[Leveler]] — The Cross of Christ. Snubbing, class consciousness, prejudice, &c become meaningless. The bedrock of Jesus' Kingdom is poverty not possessions. Peace is loving faith at rest. Meeting @ Dodsons 6/20/39 Wilda Conger-Cal Grace Earl D.C. Jack Smith D.C. Gertrude Vormley Doria Whipper Annie Eliott Walter Baggs Jessie Aiken Mae Hanes Grover Hartman Josephine Goodspeed (Ephesus 6/11th) Louise Denney Mrs. Norris Dodson Mrs. Taylor Miss Louise Walker Mrs. O.M. Walker Miss Mitchell Mr. Dan Monroe Mr. Robt. Dodson