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St. Luke's beatitudes are more original in form than St. Mathews. They are also more difficult. St. Mathews expressed the sense of the sermon best.
Beatitudes express -

1st. The qualifications necessary for admission into Christ's kingdom

2. The blessedness or happiness of those who possess those qualification.

3. The misery of who do not in St. Luke expressly and in St Matthews by implication.

The qualifications of citizens of the kingdom of character and the reward - of a spiritual nature.

Scheme of the Beatitudes 
- The poor in spirit - 
(From the fundamental condition the other virtues mentioned grow!)
(The [[?]] life toward God) (The outward manifestation toward many
II They that mourn - - - answering to III The Meek
IV They that hunger after righteousness answering to V The Merciful
VI The Pure in heart - - answering to VII The Peacemaker
Supplemented VIII The patient in persecution