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This interpretation makes a spirit of detachment from the world and all its allurements of which wealth is for most men the chief, the first condition of the blessed life.

For theirs is the kingdom of heaven, right now not only after death.

They that mourn-
The sorrows which God sends or [[strikethrough]] permitts
[[/strikethrough]] permits if received [[with]] humility and submission refine
and ennoble the character and elevate it into close union [[with]] God.

2/ Those who mourn for the sorrows of others out of Christian sympathy are rewarded by the [[strikethrough]] exercis [[/strikethrough]] exercise of the act of compassion and find many comforters in their own real sorrows.

The secret of all spiritual understanding is to walk in the light - not the light of our convictions or of our theories but
the light of God.

Beware of placing our Lord a Teacher first instead of Savior