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Jesus Christ came to make the great law of God incarnate in human life; that is the miracle of God's grace.
In our study of the Sermon on the Mount it would be like a baptism of light to allow the principles of Jesus Christ to soak right down to our very make-up.
His statements are not put up as standards for us to attain.
God remakes us; puts His Holy Spirit in us, then the Holy Spirit applies the principles to us and enables us to work them out by His guidance.

An ideal embodies our highest conceptions but it contains no moral inspiration.
We cannot make our ideals actual except Jesus puts something in us which will make the ideal and actual one.
Jesus came primarily and fundamentally to regenerate men.
He came to put into man the disposition that ruled His own life, and immediately that is given to a man, the teaching of Jesus begins to be possible.
All the standards our Lord gives are based on His disposition.