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Pure-purity means recognizing God above as the only real Cause, the only real power in existence.
Purity is the Master Key to life. 

Heart in the Bible means the "subconscious mind"

Knowledge must incorporated into the subconscious mind as well as the conscious mind before it can really change one. 
City in Bible always stands for consciousness. 
Hills or mountain means prayer or spiritual activity
The "little" (means little horn) is one of three tiny spurs that distinguish one Hebrew letter from another. 

VII. Blessed are the peace makers for they shall be called the children of God. 

Prayer is the only thing that changes one's character. 

A change in character or in soul is a real change. 

The highest of all forms of prayer is contemplation.

The great essential for success in prayer - for obtaining that sense of the Presence of God which is the secret of healing oneself and others of obtaining inspiration and spiritual development is that we first attain true peace of mind - interior soul peace - serenity