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Office. Bu. R. F and A Lands
Fayetteville May 1st 1867
Cumberland Co

Capt. Allan Rutherford U.S.A.
Supt. Bu R. F and A Lands So Dist. N.C.

In reply to your letter dated 25th inst I have the honor to state that I have made out a full list of names for Registers in this Dist. (in tabular form) and have been requestedby the Col Commanding this Post to hand it over to him for forwarding, which order I have obeyed

I understand that I am about to be relieved I hope I shall be ordered to some place within your Dist. or on the line of a R.R.

Accept my thanks as regards the increase of my pay. I have the honor to be sir. 
Very respectfully 
Your. Most. Obedient. Servant
Manchester W. Weld.
Agent Bu R. F and A Lands
Cumberland Co
North Carolina