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executive secretary.

Partial Unemployment Benefits are Sought
If there is a special session of the Legislature called by Governor Martin, President James L. McDevitt of the Pennsylvania Federation of Labor announced today, the Governor will have before him a request to include in his call at least one labor item. It is an amendment to the unemployment compensation act to provide for payment of partial unemployment benefits. Pennsylvania and Montana are the only two states where no partial payments are made, McDevitt said. 

Ask Ballot Substitution
The Republican Committee of Elizabethville today petitioned the County Commissioners to place on the borough ballot for the general election the name of Harvey S. Matteer as Republican nominee for justice of the peace.
Matteer's name was substituted on the ballot for the name of Isaiah S. Daniel, who died shortly after he was nominated as the Republican candidate at the primary.
Today was the last day in which substitution of names was permitted.

State Gets Mailing Bill
The Dauphin COunty Commissioners today forwarded to the State a bill for $54.61 for mailing 127 military ballots. Under the provision of the law the counties are reimbursed by the State for postage in connection with mailing for military ballots at 43 cents for each ballot.

Weather Report
From the United States Weather Bureau, Harrisburg
FORECAST FOR HARRISBURG AND VICINITY - Warmer this afternoon and tonight; rain beginning late tonight or early Thursday morning; increased winds. Maximum temperature yesterday, 72; minimum this morning, 41. River stage today and tomorrow, 2.9 feet. 

River Bulletin

approximately [[cut off]]
two new me[[cut off]] 
They are: Harris [[cut off]]
apparel Co., Inc., and cic[[cut off]]
R. R. Burtner, retiring [[cut off]]
presided at the meeting w[[cut off]]
attended by the following di[[cut off]]
in addition to the new officers Arthur H. Hull, Walter B. Lang, John E. Myers, A. E. O'Brien, H. H. Pevler, E. W. Schleisner and Paul G. Stoner.

Appointed Notary
Charles A. Beaver, 1617 North Sixth street, has been appointed a notary public by Governor Martin. He is employed at Harrisburg Steel Company as an inspector.

[[cutoff]] arrested for being 
[[cutoff]]passing ball on the 
[[cutoff]] any wonder they first 
[[cutoff]] mischievous, then resentful,
[[cutoff]] gamblers, then petty thieves 
[[cutoff]] get more nickels, then thieves, then inmates of correctional institutions?" 

Weather Grounds RAF 
By United Press 
LONDON, Oct. 13- The RAF's night raiders apparently were grounded last night for the third straight time, while a lone German bomber flew over East Anglia and was shot down after dropping a few explosives. Damage was slight and there were no casualties. 

Air Depot Ends Two Years Service to Armed Forces 
Civilian guards such as Mrs. Paul Kulp, shown here, will help direct the crowds at an open house at the Pennsylvania State School of Aeronautics in the Farm Show Building Sunday afternoon from 1.30 to 6.30 o'clock. The open house is being held in connection with the second anniversary of the Middletown Air Service Command. 

Brig. Gen. George G. Lundberg, commandant, and Alfred Marchev, president of the Republic Aircraft Corporation which manufactures P-47 fighter planes, will be the speakers when the Middletown Air Service Command observes its second anniversary at a workers' rally Friday afternoon. 
General Lundberg, well-qualified to interpret the aims and objects of the Air Service Command, pointed out that every Allied air victory is made possible through the three-point program of the command. 
Best described by its slogan "Keep 'Em Flying," the Air Serv- tasks at the vast, sprawling air depot.

Cites Example 
General Lundberg related the following incident to illustrate the job being done by the Air Service Command: 
An American depot recently received a teletype order at 6 p.m. tial for its aerial operations, repairs and rebuilds planes and equipment damaged in combat and flight and trains personnel necessary for the many pains-taking ice Command supplies the air forces with the equipment essential for 300 carburetor parts for delivery at midnight. That many parts were not in stock so a crew of 23 men went to work dismantling 300 carburetors to get the needed parts. At 11.30 p.m., half an hour before the deadline, the 300 parts were aboard a plane, headed halfway around the world. 
At the same time, an order was placed for the missing parts so that the dismantled carburetors could be reassembled as quickly as possible. 
Plays Important Part 
"Every time you read of an air force victory, whether over Berlin, the Aleutians of China, the Air Service Command personnel has played an important part in making it possible," General Lundberg declared. "A fact that some are inclined to forget is that often workesr right here in Middletown play vital parts in winning the victories."
Mr. Marchev is expected to discuss Air Service Command operations from the standpoint of the manufacturer supplying aircraft.
An open house will be held Sunday afternoon at the Middletown Air Depot's personnel training center at the Pennsylvania State School of Aeronautics in the Farm Show Building. 

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[[cutoff]] Abraham 
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[[cutoff]] Temple Beth El
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[[cutoff]] Friday morning at 

Rev. Fred [[cutoff]] Dies in Cumbe[[cutoff]]
The Rev. Fred M [[cutoff]]former pastor of th[[cutoff]]Enonla Reformed Ch [[cutoff]]
terday afternoon a [[cutoff]]Cumberland, Md. 
He had been pasto [[cutoff]] gelical and Reforme [[cutoff]] berland, for two [[cutoff]] stricken at the pu[[cutoff]]when he preached sermon. 
The Rev. Mr. Gro [[cutoff]] ate of Franklin and [[cutoff]] lege and Reforme [[cutoff]]Seminary, Lancaster. [[cutoff]] torate was at East [[cutoff]]he served four years [[cutoff]] 23 years he was join [[cutoff]] Andrew's Reformed [[cutoff]]brook, and St, Mat [[cutoff]] Enola. 
He was a membe [[cutoff]]chaplain of Robert [[cutoff]] 464, Free and Accept [[cutoff]] a member of Scotti [[cutoff]]of this city. 
Surviving are his [[cutoff]]Elnora Kerr Grove; [[cutoff]]Ell Jane, Harrisburg [[cutoff]]at home; three sons, [[cutoff]] E. Grove, Jr., with [[cutoff]]Camp Breckenridge [[cutoff]]Grove, with the [[cutoff]] Christi, Texas, and [[cutoff]] a grandson; his fat [[cutoff]]and a sister, Mrs. [[cutoff]]latter two of Pitc [[cutoff]] 
The body will r [[cutoff]]funeral home, Cu [[cutoff]] a.m. Friday, wh [[cutoff]]moved to Zion E [[cutoff]] formed Church i [[cutoff]]p.m. Burial w [[cutoff]]land. 

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Transcription Notes:
Right side of the newspaper is cutoff significantly