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Thomas C. Miller

Block 190  House Front St bet Chestnut & Mulberry St

[[3 columned table]]
| --- | --- | --- |

| May 12 | By rent G.C. Miller 1 Mo to June 10/65 | 8 00 |
| June 13 | By rent George Priggie 1 Mo to July 10/65 | 20 00 |
| July 10 | By rent George Priggie 1 Mo to Aug 10/65 | 20 00 |

July 25/65 Transfered to Financial Bureau Refugees Freedmen &c

| Aug 10 | By rent Geo Priggie 1 Mo to Septr. 10th/65 | 20 00 |


This property Restored to Mrs Anne W Miller by Specl. Order No 22 dated Asst Commr. Office Raleigh N.C. Augt 10th 1865 her right in the Same to take effect on and after Augt 10th 1865 when the lease thereon expires


Dr. J. F. McRee, Jr

Block 177  Office on Front St. bet Chestnut & Princess St.

[[ 4 columned table ]]
| --- | --- | --- | --- |

| May 13 | By rent J.R. Stran 1 Mo to June 13/65 |   | 6 00 |
| June 19 | By rent George Bell 1 Mo to July 13/65 |   | 6 00 |
| July 15 | By rent George Bell 1 Mo to Augt 13/65 |   | 6 00 |

July 25th/65 Transfered to Financial Bureau Refugees Freedmen &c

| Augt 25 | By Rent of George Bell 1 Mo to Sept 12/65 | 47 | 6 00 Unoccupied | 


This property restored Sp. Or. No. 64 dated Oct 9/1865
