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My own approach to the concept of color and space as Form, is to feel and see special relationships which reveal my interpretation of a life- experience. this experience, as least for me, embraces many variables such as; life style, age, race, sex, and heritage. 

My approach also involves the continuing problem of resolving the flat painting surface. I suppose I [[strikethrough]] could [[/strikethrough]] can be called a "color impressionist". Communicating color images is indeed fascinating and I [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] will continue exploring that direction.

Beverly Buchanan

The Cinque Gallery
presents the paintings of Beverly Buchanan
Opening November 6th- 5-8 pm
Continuing thru December 2nd

The Cinque Gallery, a show case the young minority artists, has been assisted by a grant from the N.Y. State Council on the Arts Board of Directors!
Romane Bearden
Ernest Chrichlow
Norman Lewis

425 Lafayette St.
In the N.Y. Public Theater
gallery hours-
Tuesday-Saturday- 12-5:30 pm
Fridays 7:30-2 pm
Patricia Gloater - Program Coordinator
Elvis Shelton - Guest Director

The Cinque Gallery,
a show case the young minority artist, 
has been assisted by a guest from the N.Y State
Council of the arts,
Board of Directors!
Romare Bearden 
Ernest Crichlow
Norman Lewis

Transcription Notes:
Romare Bearden, Ernest Chrichlow, Norman Lewis - artists