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Miss Hester's Place 2 Hester McCoy worked at the AirBase for 21 years and Never [[strikethrough]]never[[/strikethrough]] had a vacation. 1 James, her oldest, Joined the airforce. His lifelong dream was fulfilled when he became a pilot. She was proud of him and went to visit [[strikethrough]] them [[/strikethrough]]him in Germany for his birthday one year. People still talk about how surprised and excited she was when he had her fly back on the concorde! 1 [[arrow drawn to previous 1]] A mule and a [[strikethrough]] few [[/strikethrough]] oLd mean [[strikethrough]] chickens [[/strikethrough]] Rooster were relics [[strikethrough]] on the farm [[/strikethrough]] left from her when her parents were still farmers, but [[strikethrough]] Hester McCoy hated [[/strikethrough]] she couldn't keep the place up. Hestert.