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LEON'S YARD__I The large Tub [[strikethrough]] Large [[/strikethrough]] is hard to ignore. It [[strikethrough]] 's almost [[/strikethrough]] is a landmark for separation of house from garden. This yard is not a recipe for a children's story-book fantasy. Truth is, here at least, more fun. We can begin with, ONCE-UPON-A-TIME, not far away from here, Bear tracks, large and fresh, almost caused me to break from the group and RUN for my truck because these prints were [[strikethrough]] not THERE [[/strikethrough]] NOT there twenty minutes ago, [[strikethrough]] BUT [[/strikethrough]] but, how much fun can truth be, after all, when one KNOWS that outrunning a Bear is impossible. Apparently the BIG CATS [[strikethrough]] are [[/strikethrough]] uprooted from their everglades natural habitat [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] have been, [[strikethrough]] for some time now, invading [[/strikethrough]] invading the innards of Alabama and now are entering parts of Georgia.